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Key Standard Warranties & Conditions


Applicable to all Insurance Policies



The following are standard warranties and policy conditions applying to all policies. Any alterations to these conditions can only be by prior agreement with Thornhill Insurance. This list is not exhaustive and full policy terms and conditions can be viewed on the policy document wording pages.


For your help and guidance, explanatory notes are shown in red.


Fire Appliance Equipment

Fire extinguisher equipment, to building scale, must be fitted and maintained under an annual service agreement.

Note: The larger the client's property, the more fire extinguisher equipment they should have. Their local Fire Station will give them free help and advice in this respect.


Security Protection

All external doors and exit doors must be fitted with 5 lever mortise deadlocks to British Standard 3621, unless roller shuttered.

Note: We may be able to accept other security locks but check with Thornhill Insurance first.

All accessible opening windows must be fitted with key-operated locks or internal bars, unless roller shuttered.


Deep Fat Frying

All deep fat frying equipment must be maintained on an annual service agreement.

The quotation and cover is subject to the business not operating any Fish & Chip style frying range.

Note: If the business does have a full Fish & Chip shop range we can still offer your client cover but not with this On-line System. Please contact Thornhill Insurance and we will take full details.


Goods in Transit

Goods in transit cover is for the client's own vehicles only and excludes theft/loss from unattended vehicles.

Note: If your client requires goods in transit cover for items sent by post, courier or any other method, please contact Thornhill Insurance.


Liability Insurance

The liability section of the policy is restricted to premises risk, public, products and employers liability cover only (but includes collection and delivery activities) and excludes professional indemnity, efficacy and defective workmanship.


Occupancy Condition

It is warranted that the premises are not let in any part to DSS assisted persons, Students or Refugees.


Terrorism Exclusion

Except in respect of claims arising under the Liability Section this policy does not cover -

Loss damage cost or expense of whatsoever nature directly or indirectly caused by resulting from or in connection with:

Note: Separate cover for Terrorism can be obtained should your client require it but not online - please telephone Thornhill Insurance if this cover is required.


IEE Warranty

Where required by Statutory Law, your client's premises should have an electrical circuit test certificate, updated every three years, issued by a member of the Institute of Electrical Engineers.

Note: We may be able to accept an electrical certificate from other qualified electrical bodies - please contact Thornhill Insurance for clarification.


Cash Registers & Tills

The drawers of cash registers and tills must be left open out of business hours.

Note: Leaving the drawers open prevents thieves from having to break open the till/cash register to gain access.


Waste Warranty

All waste must be bagged up and removed from the building at the end of each trading day.


Stillage Warranty

It is warranted that all stock be stored a minimum of 6" (15cm) above the floor.

Note: This is to prevent water penetration in the event of a water leak or minor flood.


Freezer Equipment

Freezers must be maintained on an annual service agreement and be under 10 years old.


Flood Area Conditions

It is warranted that the business premises are not in a moderate or significant flood area as defined by the Environment Agency.

Note: Thornhill Insurance will check the flood areas on your client's behalf and, if their property is found to be in a possible problem area, please note no flood cover will be operative until Thornhill Insurance contact you to the contrary.


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